How to Achieve Harmony Between Your Puppy and Your New Baby
If you are a pet owner who is looking forward to bringing a new baby home to your family, you have probably already come to the conclusion that it may be a delicate process involving several steps. This is particularly true concerning members of the canine family, as dogs and youngsters do not always develop an instant friendship. For this reason, it is essential to ensure that your puppy or dog and your new baby have a good foundation on which to build a positive rapport.
Introduce Your Baby’s Scent
Before your new child is ready to come home, consider introducing an object such as a blanket on which his or her scent is found and placing it where it must be acknowledged by your puppy or dog. This will ensure that your pooch investigates and becomes familiar with the baby’s scent ahead of time. When you bring your baby home, it should only take a few sniffs for your pet to determine that the baby “belongs” in the dwelling.
Familiarise Your Dog With Baby Accessories
It is also wise to make sure your puppy is exposed to some of the additional items that will almost certainly be added to your home after the arrival of your new child. These include a bassinet, stroller, playpen, toys and blankets.
You will also discover that it is advantageous to practice pushing the stroller with your pooch walking alongside, as this will prepare your dog in advance to enjoy taking walks with your newborn, thus encouraging a bond between the baby and your pet. If your dog or puppy views the stroller in a positive light in advance, there will be a higher likelihood of him or her accepting the new baby in a similar way.
To train your dog or puppy ahead of time, numerous experts also recommend playing a recording of a crying baby while your pet is eating. This will help condition your puppy or dog to accept the sound as normal, rather than something to become agitated over.
Additional Tips
Even though you want your dog to view the arrival of your new infant as a positive addition to the household, you should also offer your pet a safe area where he or she can retreat from the chaos that is often associated with the arrival of a newborn.
Finally, do not overlook the safety of your baby. It is important to make sure your dog or puppy realizes that the new infant is not another animal or a toy with which he or she can roughhouse. The best way to prevent such problems is to supervise contact between your newborn and your dog at all times. Following the tips outlined above will increase the chances that your baby and your pet will form a lasting, positive bond.
The information on PuppyPages website is not meant to replace first hand treatment of your dog by a professional vet. Always consult your vet for medical and health care advice. You should not rely on any of the information on this website for medical diagnosis, treatment options or other health care decisions about your pet. When possible we have articles fact checked by experienced Vets and Vet Nurses. Read full Disclaimer here