PuppyPages is an independent resource. We try to have an unbiased opinion. We do support pet industry businesses however we are not sponsored by any vet clinics, pet food manufacturers or animal welfare groups.
The information on PuppyPages website is not meant to replace first hand treatment of your dog by a professional vet. Always consult your vet for medical and health care advice. You should not rely on any of the information on this website for medical diagnosis, treatment options or other health care decisions about your pet.
PuppyPages offers general dog care information as an educational tool. Whilst all care has been taken when preparing the information to ensure its accuracy and validity, no responsibility can be accepted for omissions and information provided. When possible we have articles fact checked by experienced Vets and Vet Nurses.
Please note that certain articles have been submitted to PuppyPages. There will be certain methods or ideas that you may not feel is correct, if you feel this is the case we welcome your feedback and your perspective.
Photo credits: We source our images from our personal archives, friends, Anthaea Jones Photography and also from Pixabay.