Dr Vanessa Rohlf is an experienced and qualified counsellor and educator to those who work with, and care for, animals. She has a PhD with a specialisation in psychology (human-animal interactions), a Masters in Counselling and Psychotherapy, and a Bachelor of Arts (Hons-Psychology). She has blended her practical and theoretical knowledge of human psychology and human-animal interactions in a number of previous roles over the last 20 years. These include veterinary nursing, psychology lecturer at Monash University, and researcher at the Animal Welfare Science Centre, The University of Melbourne. She is a member of the Australian Psychological Society and has additional qualifications in compassion fatigue, mindfulness, and animal bereavement.
She works with a range of pet industries, individual pet professionals, and pet owners by delivering evidence-based seminars and workshops and providing one-to-one counselling on a range of topics.
She understands that caring for animals is truly rewarding but it can, at times be stressful - especially when we lose a pet. Call or email for information on how Vanessa can support you.